Sunrise supports ministries across Charleston and South Carolina. We invite you to learn more about our community partners who receive our support finances and volunteers.
Sunrise has been a member of this Presbytery wide project since 2004, which has now grown to 22 local area congregations. The mission is to serve the basic needs of children in the lowcountry as they begin a new school year. We provide two uniforms, school supplies and lots of love and kindness. This past year, 2015, we served 4322 children at 20 distribution sites over a 3 week period. In 2017, we also topped the 5,000 mark for the first time in a single distribution season, serving 5256 children and since 2003 we have served 52,647 children. At Sunrise, we supported this mission financially and with volunteers who have performed a variety of jobs from counting, loading, setting up, shopping, fixing meals at distributions. The best part of this mission is all of the wonderful Presbyterians we meet and make friends with from all the local congregations.
ECCO (East Cooper Community Outreach).
ECCO is supported by Sunrise through quarterly financial contributions and three Grocery Bag collection Sundays a year. The youth also help with Souper Bowl Sunday collection.
Sunrise supports Meals on Wheels with an annual contribution and during the holidays The Angel Tree, which is always filled with wonderful gifts for the clients of this group.
During the year we have several special offerings that the congregation continues to support with love and caring. This offering helps others in our church and throughout our world.
Sunrise typically donated between $1200 and $1500 in disaster relief each year. For example, in 2012 we gave $1500 from the Hope Fund to natural disasters in our country. First tornadoes and then Hurricane Sandy, where we sent money to two churches that needed our help.
We continued to partner with the Mt Pleasant Habitat for Humanity with our financial contribution from the Hope Fund and hands on labor from the members.
My Sister’s House, Inc., is a nonprofit organization founded in 1980 that provides services, programs and resources to empower domestic violence victims and their children to live free from abuse. The organization operates an emergency temporary shelter at an undisclosed location for up to 36 women and children who flee abusive situations in Charleston, Berkeley and Dorchester counties in South Carolina.
The Presbyterian Hunger Program is a ministry of the PC (USA) working with congregations and partners around the globe to alleviate hunger and eliminate its causes. Nationally and internationally, our many programs and partnerships support each other in this work.
It has been the responsibility of the mission committee to set up a display in our church life during our annual Live Nativity. As our visitors warm up with hot chocolate and cookies we share the wonder of this place we call home.
Following the devastation of the Civil War, Dr. William Plumer Jacobs, of First Presbyterian Church in Clinton, wanted to build an orphanage. Named for Dr. James Henley Thornwell, theologian, Thornwell opened its doors on October 1, 1875, to 10 orphaned children. The Home of Peace was the residence of Dr. William Plumer Jacobs, a member of First Presbyterian Church in Clinton, SC, who heard the call of God to begin a home for children orphaned by the Civil War. In his home, Dr. Jacobs and his wife, Mary, welcomed the first children to find a refuge at Thornwell.
More than 20 years ago, the Souper Bowl of Caring began with a simple prayer from a single Presbyterian youth group in Columbia, SC. “Lord even as we enjoy the Super bowl football game, help us be mindful of those without a bowl of soup to eat”. In 2014, more than 10,000 nationwide groups collected more than $8 million in dollars and food for local hunger-relief charities. At Sunrise, all of our donations go to East Cooper Meals on Wheels to support needs here in our community.
Florence Crittenton Residential Programs is here to help pregnant, at-risk youth, ages 21 and under. This program offers young women personalized, professional care to help them achieve a healthy life of autonomy and success. 85% don’t repeat teen pregnancy; 95% stay in school; 100% of their children are healthy. The first Florence Crittenton home opened in New York City in 1883 as the Florence Night Mission. Located in downtown Charleston, Florence Crittenton Programs of South Carolina has been serving the entire state of South Carolina for 114 years.
A Sunrise team of 6 to 7 volunteers sets up and serves a meal on the second Monday of each month. Founded in 1983 as Lutheran Social Services by three Lutheran and one Methodist minister, this organization humbly began as a soup kitchen which has since served more than 5 million meals to the less fortunate in the Tricounty area. As a faith-based not-for-profit, ecumenical ministry providing food, clothing, medical care, counseling, transportation, shelter, financial assistance and other vital services to the less fortunate in the tri-county area. It offers a safe, compassionate, and inviting place for all people in need.
Our programs raise awareness of the prevalence and consequences of child sexual abuse by educating adults about the steps they can take to prevent, recognize and react responsibly to the reality of child sexual abuse.
The Rainy Day Foundation is established to create and maintain responsible homeownership. Its major focus is to provide tools to educate, counsel, support and financially assist homeowners who experience unforseen short term financial problems. It also provides emergency support (both educational & financial) to homeowners that experience financial challenges.